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Exposure Time Estimation

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Integration Time Calculator (ITC)

An ITC tutorial video is available here

The Integration Time Calculator (ITC) can be used to determine limiting magnitudes, exposure times, S/N ratios, background levels, etc. for a wide range of source properties, observing conditions, and GHOST configurations.

In the four sections of this form, select the appropriate astronomical source, telescope and instrument configuration, observing conditions, and observation parameters. Click on the calculate button (calculate button) at the bottom of any section to submit the parameters from all the sections to the server or the reset button (reset button) to reset all parameters to their defaults. The results are reported in a separate web page that can be resized and printed.

See the ITC Help for general guidance on use of the Integration Time Calculators, and the (more info) links for specific help on each section of the form.

If the form below does not appear then you may need to check with your system administrator about allowing communication with through your firewall.

Exposure Time Estimation | Gemini Observatory


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